I na’an-‘mu ñinanguni yu’ nu i manasaina
Hu hungok siha gi guinife-hu
“Makåhna, Makåhna…”
Homhom yan tåhddong
Gi halomtåno’
I malommok i pitot-ñiha
På’go gagaige hao guini
På’go humomlo’ i ante-hu
Nu i inatan-mu
Sigi ha’ madirihi gi matå-hu
Kulan åmot para i korason-hu
Hågu i tinayuyot ni’ tinangå-hu
Put i ginefsåga ya i linangitan-mu
Ni’ bumendidisi yu’
English Translation
My boy
Your name was whispered to me by the ancestors
I heard them in my dreams
“Makåhna, Makåhna…”
Dark and deep
In the jungle
The pounding of their putot
And now you are here
And now my soul is healed
By your gaze
That never leaves my face
Like medicine for my heart
You are my prayer of my longing
For your tranquility and sublimeness
That blesses me
(Yinenga’ as Dorathina Herrero)