Immediate Postwar Guam History

(Every week or so the Guam Museum will be sharing something in the CHamoru language about our history, culture and folklore. This week we’ll discuss some of Guam’s immediate postwar history around labor and land displacement due to military construction and land-takings.)

Makkat i gumualo’ yan mamoksai sa’ put i meggai ira yan i machule’ i tano’ para i sagan militàt siha.

Manma’afuetsas i familia-ta para u ma aligao i lina’la-ñiha.

Gi 1946, màs ki 300 na bisnes malisesiayi nu i gubetnamenton i ‘Navy.’

Chaddek na tinilaika despues di i gera.

Ginen i nina’sinan i agrikuttura yan i kumitsion tinilaika asta i suetdo yan “cash” na fondon ikonomia.

Meggaiña gi taotao-ta manhälom gi makkat na cho’cho’ siha.

Gi i sakkan 1945-1950 ha na’huyong i militàt dinimandan cho’cho’ nu i ti siña i hotnaleron CHamoru makubri.

Ha tutuhon i militàt mana’fâtto manfafacho’cho’ ginen otro lugåt, kululo’ña ginen Philippines.

Guaha na taotao konstruksion siha lokkue mangginen i bisinu na isla.

Meggai gi taotao-ta manmaempleao gi setbision i militàt.

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